2-Point Perspective

To be honest with you, this was the one drawing that I’ve been looking forward to the entire year, and this is the drawing that I thought was one of my worst.  The Brophy Chapel is one of Brophy’s trademarks.  It everywhere.  On our student planners, T-shirts, you name it, people know about it.  I have seen people sitting in the mall drawing it and I couldn’t wait to draw the chapel myself….until it was actually time to draw it.  I never realized just how much detail was on the chapel until this assignment.  There are a lot of little pop outs on the chapel that you don’t think about when just looking at the chapel.  Drawing it became that much more difficult.  I liked my drawing through day 5.  It was pretty neat and accurate.  But as soon as day 6 came around, I began to realize just how far behind I was, and so at that point I had to hurry and wasn’t as neat from then on.  Another tough thing about this assignment was the shadowing.  Since I was so far behind, I wasn’t able to finish in class and had to finish at home.  Since I had to finish at home, I couldn’t shade with a blending stump and had to do all of the shading with a tissue.  That made it pretty difficult to shade in little details on the chapel.  Overall, my drawing ended up looking ok, but not as neat and precise as I would have liked.

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